Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

My new friends.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Do you still remember me? Of course you stiil remember me! I, am Rafi. Do you want to read my posting again? If yes, now I want to write about new friends.

Now I am 4 grade. And now, I have new friends. Horeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am soooooooooooo happy. My new friends name is, Mustafa Husein Dzaki Y.Z, Prabu Fauzan A, Echa, Afick, and Tiara. Mustafa/Dzaki the same grade with me. Prabu 1st grade, Echa the same grade with Prabu, Afick kindergarten B, and Tiara kindergarten A. That's all of my new friends name and grade.

If you want to go to my blog, please visit:


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